Jacking system

Jacking control monitor

Jacking Control Systems

Jacking Control Systems are used to control the jacking system. This interface allows the operator to raise and lower the rig’s legs, so it could be positioned at the desired height above the water level.   Control system consists of: Human-machine interface (HMI) – a screen that shows system parameters to the operator Joystics –

Jacking system, JackUps

Jacking motors

In a rack-and-pinion system, motors drive the gearbox, which in turn drive the main jacking pinion. Motors produce modest torque, which is then multiplied by the gearbox and delivered to the pinion. Depending on the system, motors can be electric or hydraulic. Both have their advantages and drawbacks. Electric jacking motor, gearbox and brake Electric

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Backlash in engineering is the distance between the paired gear teeth. It is the amount of ‘play’ or ‘give’ between two mechanical parts that engage each other. Every such part (gear, thread, etc.) has some backlash by design, because without it the two parts would bind up and wouldn’t be able to move. The problem

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Hydraulic jacking system

Jacking system – introduction

The jacking system elevates the hull of the jackup using the attachment points on the leg. They often also support the hull while elevated during operations and storm conditions. There have been different designs in the past, so we will mention a few of them here. Significant features of jacking system: Jacking speed – speed

Jacking system, JackUps, ,

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